Review extracted sales invoices in Receipt Bot
Receipt Bot is a comprehensive expense management app designed to automate data entry from scanned receipts, documents, statements, or PDFs and export the data directly to your integrated accounting software. It eliminates the hassle of manual paperwork management by digitalizing your sales records, customer invoices, payment receipts, and much more.
Receipt Bot’s Sales module extracts transaction data from sales records like invoices, cash register rolls, ledgers, and customer orders. Ideal for businesses and accountants, it processes handwritten or digital records from paper or PDFs. Users can analyze the data in Excel or record it in accounting software like Xero or QuickBooks Online. Users can upload sales records through the Receipt Bot’s web app, mobile apps, document inbox emails, and APIs. The Receipt Bot extracts data accurately and presents the output in a user-friendly, easy-to-use, and intuitive format.
In this article, we will explore options for reviewing extracted sales invoice data in the Receipt Bot.
Data Extracted From Sales Documents
Receipt Bot efficiently extracts key information from documents using its intelligent data extraction technology. The extracted data fields are divided into two main types: Header-Level Data and Lines-Level Data.
Header-Level Data
These fields appear once per document, and general information about them is provided. Following are the header level data extracted from a document:
– Document Type: It is usually the title on the document indicating the nature of the transaction, e.g., Sales Invoice, Tax/VAT invoice, Order Confirmation, etc. This identification helps Receipt Bot accurately extract data and perform the relevant validations.
– Contact Name: The name of the document recipient, brand name, company website, or customer name.
– Document Number: The unique number found to identify a document, like an invoice number, order number, payment reference, etc.
– Document Date: The document issue date, order placement date, or service date, whichever is available in the document.
– Due/Payment Date: The payment terms are usually mentioned in the sales invoices. Based on these terms, the payment due date is calculated. If the document is paid, this field will contain the payment date.
– Payment Method: The account name used to receive the receivable amount.
– Transaction Currency: The currency of the transaction as identified from the document.
– Base Currency: The home currency entered when creating a new business in Receipt Bot.
– Exchange Rate: The rate at which the transaction currency amounts are converted to the base currency amounts.
– Record As: This field defines how the transaction should be recorded in your accounting software. For example, if you select invoice & payment, the system will create an invoice transaction and record a payment against it. The available options are based on the integrated accounting software.
– Amounts Are: It defines whether the unit price is exclusive or inclusive of the VAT amount.
– Notes: These are the notes you can pass when submitting a document via mobile app.
Line-Level Data
These fields appear multiple times within a document, typically in tabular format. The following fields are considered as line-level data in the Receipt Bot:
– Category: The accounting category applied to a transaction based on the item description.
– Quantity (Qty): The number of units of a product or service sold, as stated in the invoice.
– Unit Price: The price per unit of the product or service before applying VAT/GST or other taxes.
– Description: The details of the item sold.
– VAT/GST Rate: The rate at which GST/VAT has been charged on the sold item.
– VAT/GST Amount: The amount of VAT/GST as extracted from the document.
– Net Amount: The total amount less any VAT/GST amount.
– Gross Amount: The total amount receivable as extracted from the document.
– Net Amount (Base currency): The net amount is converted to the base currency from transaction currency using the exchange rate of the invoice date.
– VAT/GST Amount (Base currency): The total VAT/GST amount is converted into the base currency based on the exchange rate.
– Gross Amount (Base currency): The total amount receivable, converted to the base currency based on the exchange rate.
Additional Data Assignable to a Document
– Tracking categories: These fields can help you categorize your revenue from different areas of your business. For example, a business that operates a physical store and an online store can set up tracking categories like Physical Store vs. Online Store. It is only available if your business is integrated with Xero.
– Projects: It enables you to classify your revenue into different projects. This feature is useful when you have clients for whom you will be generating invoices and you want to calculate the profitability for each customer. It is only available if your business is integrated with Xero.
– Locations: If you are a business with a global presence, you can set up multiple locations to review reports by location. It is only available if your business is integrated with QuickBooks Online.
– Classes: Using the Classes feature, you can classify your revenue based on any other meaningful classification. i.e., if you are selling the same product with different quality standards, you can set up classes like Premium vs. Standard. It is only available if your business is integrated with QuickBooks Online.
Navigating the Sales Invoices Page
The Sales Invoices page in Receipt Bot is designed for users to efficiently review and edit extracted data. It consists of two main tabs:
– Documents Tab: It shows the header-level fields, such as the customer’s name, invoice date, and invoice number, providing a quick overview of key document details.
– Analysis Tab: It contains header and line-level fields, including item descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and totals. If a document contains multiple line items, each line will be displayed as a separate row in this tab. This structure allows users to efficiently review and edit data at the line level without switching between header and line details or reviewing documents individually.
– Details Page: It contains all fields plus the PDF/Image view of the submitted document. It appears when you click the green document icon.
Actions Available on the Sales Invoices Page
Following are the actions available for a processed sales invoice in the Receipt Bot.
– Edit Extracted Data
– Export Extracted Data or PDF
– Filter Documents
– Report an Inaccurate Data Extraction
– Delete Documents
Edit Extracted Data
The following options are available to edit the extracted data in the Receipt Bot:
1. Edit invoices using the “Bulk Edit” feature
2. Edit a document from the details page
3. Edit Data from the Grid
Option 1 – Edit invoices using the “Bulk Edit” feature
Following are the steps to bulk edit data in Receipt Bot:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the relevant tab between Documents or Analysis.
Pro-tip: The analysis tab offers more control and you can perform most of the actions from the analysis tab, though it can be confusing when line-extraction is enabled as it shows the details multiple times for each line.
Step 3 – Select checkboxes for all the relevant documents.
Step 4 – Click the Edit button at the top-right corner.
Step 5 – Click the Confirm button.
Your changes should be applied immediately, and you will receive a confirmation message.
Note: Approved or exported documents cannot be bulk edited. To make changes, you must edit them from the details page.
Option 2 – Edit a document from the details page
For a more detailed review or to edit fields that are not editable in the summary grid, you can open the invoice details pop-up by clicking the document icon for the relevant invoice.
Following are the steps to review the document in detail:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the relevant tab between Documents or Analysis.
Step 3 – Click the green document icon.
Step 4 – Review and edit data for the relevant fields.
Step 5 – Click the floppy icon to save changes.
Your changes should be applied immediately, and you will receive a confirmation message.
Option 3 – Inline Editing from the Grid
You can also perform quick edits to the processed document directly from the grid.
Following are the steps to make changes from the grid:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the appropriate tab, either Documents or Analysis.
Step 3 – Click the pencil icon for the relevant document. Alternatively, you can double-click the row to start editing.
Step 4 – Perform changes to the relevant fields.
Step 5 – Click the floppy icon to confirm the changes. Alternatively, you can click outside the row to confirm the changes.
Your changes should be applied immediately, and you will receive a confirmation message.
Export Extracted Data
- Export data in CSV/Excel format
- Export Data to Xero or QuickBooks Online
- Export PDF/Image files for offline storage
Option 1 – Export data in CSV/Excel format
You can export the extracted data for all purchase invoices in a CSV/Excel format. The downloaded CSV contains all the fields extracted plus some additional fields related to the document, like upload date, etc.
Following are the steps to download data;
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the appropriate tab, either Documents or Analysis.
Step 3 – Select the relevant rows to download in CSV.
Step 4 – Click the Download button at the top left of the page.
Step 5 – Select the relevant format from Standard CSV or Excel.
The extracted data for the selected documents should be downloaded to your system.
Pro-tip: You can also design a custom downloaded format to match your specific reporting or integration requirements. For more details on setting up a custom download format, refer to the following article: Custom Download Format for Invoices.
Option 2 – Export Data to your Accounting Software
You can export the extracted purchase data directly to Xero or QuickBooks Online if your business is integrated. You can find more details on how to export invoices to your accounting software from these articles:
- Export Documents to Xero
- Export Documents to QuickBooks Online
Option 3 – Export PDF/Image files for offline storage
Receipt Bot stores your accounting documents online, which can be accessed anytime. You can download original document files to keep an offline record or provide those documents as evidence to the Tax Authorities. Please refer to the following article for more details: Download files to keep an offline record.
Filter Documents
You can apply various filters to the grid to quickly find and review documents based on specific criteria. There are two types of filters available in Receipt Bot:
- Page level filters
- Grid level filters
Option 1 – Page level filters
There are following four options in the page level filters:
– All: Shows all purchases except for the deleted ones.
– New: Shows all processed, processing and export error documents.
– Processed: Shows only the processed documents.
– Approved: Shows only the approved documents.
– Exported: Shows only the exported documents.
– Export Error: Shows only the documents where an export attempt failed.
You can change the filter by following these steps:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the appropriate tab, either Documents or Analysis.
Step 3 – Select the page filter dropdown at the top-right of the page.
Step 4 – Select the relevant option from the page filter dropdown.
The system will filter the records based on the above criteria. The page-level filter will be retained when you switch between the documents and analysis tabs.
Option 2 – Grid level filters
With Receipt Bot’s grid-level filters, you can effortlessly refine your search and focus on the exact data you need. Whether reviewing extracted invoices, making bulk edits, or exporting data, these filters give you full control over your workflow.
The filtering options are intelligent and dynamic, adapting to different data types. For example, when filtering by dates, you can apply “Before” or “After” conditions, while text-based fields support options like “Begins With” or “Ends With.”
You can apply grid-level filters by following these steps:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the appropriate tab, either Documents or Analysis.
Step 3 – Click the filter icon.
Step 4 – Select the relevant options from the list of values. You can also perform advanced filters by selecting the option “Text Filters” or “Date Filters” or “Number Filters” based on the data type of the column.
Step 5 – Click the OK button.
The data in the grid will be filtered according to your criteria.
Pro-tip: You can apply filters to multiple fields together to form more complex logic like applying filter to category and invoice date together to review transactions for an income statement head.
Report an Inaccurate Data Extraction
Each document passes through a series of validations before being available to you, so there are documents rarely with inaccurate results. However, if a mistake is identified in the extracted data, you can report it. A qualified professional will review the mistake to fix the issue and update the extraction model if required.
Following are the steps to report a mistake:
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page.
Step 2 – Click the green document icon for the relevant invoice.
Step 3 – Click the report mistake icon.
Step 4 – Provide some details about the mistake or inaccuracy.
Step 5 – Click the report button.
The document should be moved back to the processing stage, and it will be reviewed by a qualified professional to rectify the mistake and assess how the data extraction model can be updated to ensure future documents are processed correctly.
Delete an Invoice
You can delete unnecessary documents in Receipt Bot to keep your workspace clean.
Following are the steps to delete a document in Receipt Bot;
Step 1 – Navigate to the Purchases page from the business menu.
Step 2 – Select the invoice(s) you wish to delete by checking the box beside each document.
Step 3 – Click the Delete button (bin icon) from the top right corner of the page.
Step 4 – Choose the reason for deletion from the prompt that appears.
Once you select the reason, the invoice will be moved to the Recycle Bin, which will be available for thirty days before being permanently deleted from the system.
Note: If you need to delete a document currently in processing, contact the Receipt Bot support team to temporarily pause the processing so you can delete it or share the document IDs with them to delete for you.
Other Grid Actions
Receipt Bot offers several grid actions that can speed up your workflow. These include the following;
– Sorting Data: You can sort the data by clicking the column name. To sort the data by multiple columns, press the control key and click the other columns. The system will sort the rows based on both columns, that is where the value in first column is same, it will use the second column value to sort.
– Row Selection: You can select rows one by one or press the shift key to select all rows in a sequence.
– Show/Hide Columns: You can control the columns that should be shown on the grid by clicking the column settings icon from the top-right corner of the page.
Receipt Bot’s Intelligent data extraction
Receipt Bot utilizes market-leading OCR and Machine Vision technologies, validating and enhancing the output using proprietary algorithms. Following is a list of critical validations performed to give you actionable insight.
– Duplicate document: If a document is identified as a duplicate of another processed document based on the invoice number, date, and gross amount, then the system records the document as a “Duplicate.”
– Supplier name identification: The system applies multiple advanced techniques to extract the supplier’s name. For example, it looks for the document issuer, the brand name of the product, the company website, and the VAT number. The document is tagged as a “miscellaneous supplier” if a supplier name is not found.
– Invoice Number identification: If the system fails to identify an invoice number, it looks for any other unique reference in the document — for example, payment reference, check-in number, purchase order, etc. If no unique reference is identified, the invoice number is generated based on the supplier’s initials and document date.
Data validations and processing notes
Suppose the Receipt Bot is unable to extract a field. In that case, it results in a validation failure, and the system attaches a processing note to the document so that you can quickly identify and perform the fixes required. You can find these notes by hovering on the comment icon.
Following is a list of processing notes that explain a validation failure.
File Upload Validation related notes
– Image Quality Issues: Image scan quality is not suitable for processing.
– Country Not Supported: Receipt Bot does not support the documents from a country. (it rarely happens, but some formats are so different that our models cannot handle them).
– Language Not Supported: Receipt Bot currently processes English language documents only.
– Password-protected file: the document is password protected and, therefore, cannot be processed by Receipt-Bot.
Missing data related notes
– Supplier Missing: Supplier name not found in the document. Please update manually.
– Document Date Missing: The system could not find the document date. Instead, the processing date has been inserted in the document date.
– Document Number Missing: Document number not found in the document. Therefore, a Receipt-Bot generated number has been inserted in the document reference.
– Transaction Amount Missing: transaction amount not found in the document. Therefore, the transaction amount was set as zero.
– VAT Rate Missing: VAT Rate not found in the document. Please check and update as needed.
– Description Missing: Description not found in the document. Please update as necessary.
Document type related notes
– Duplicate document: Receipt-Bot has identified this document as a duplicate of another processed document; please review to delete or record it as a transaction.
– Unrecognized document: Receipt Bot could not recognize the document type.
Other validation-related notes
– Transaction Amount Zero: The transaction amount appears to be zero. Please check and update if necessary.
– VAT/GST Rate Mismatch: VAT/GST Rates are different for each line. However, a standard VAT rate has been selected for processing.
– Unrecognized receiver: The “invoice to” field does not match the business name.
Review sales invoices using mobile apps
You can also review your sales invoice data using the Receipt Bot mobile apps on Android or iOS devices. You can find more information about reviewing data from the following article: Review & approve/export documents on mobile.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What data is extracted from sales invoices in Receipt Bot?
A: Receipt Bot extracts two main types of data from sales invoices:
– Header-Level Data (e.g., document type, contact name, invoice number, transaction currency, etc.)
– Line-Level Data (e.g., item descriptions, quantity, unit price, VAT/GST details, net and gross amounts, etc.)
Q: How can I review extracted sales invoice data in Receipt Bot?
A: You can review the extracted sales invoice data on the Sales Invoices Page, which includes:
– Documents Tab: Displays key invoice details like customer name, invoice date, and invoice number.
– Analysis Tab: Shows both header and line-level details for a deeper review.
– Details Page: Allows for a full review with an attached PDF/Image preview.
Q: How can I edit the extracted sales invoice data?
A: You can edit the extracted data using the following options:
1. Bulk Edit Feature: Edit multiple invoices at once.
2. Edit from Details Page: Open a detailed view and update specific fields.
3. Inline Editing from the Grid: Quickly update specific fields by double-clicking a row.
Q: Can I export my sales invoice data from Receipt Bot?
A: Yes, you can export data in different formats:
– CSV/Excel Format for reporting and analysis.
– Direct Export to Xero or QuickBooks Online if integrated.
– PDF/Image Export for offline storage.
Q: How can I filter sales invoices for review?
A: You can filter sales invoices using:
– Page-Level Filters (e.g., New, Processed, Approved, Exported, etc.)
– Grid-Level Filters (e.g., filter by invoice date, supplier, category, etc.)
Q: What should I do if the extracted data is inaccurate?
A: If you notice an error in the extracted data, you can report it by:
1. Clicking the green document icon to open the invoice.
2. Selecting the Report Mistake option.
3. Providing details about the inaccuracy.
Receipt Bot’s team will review and update the extraction model if necessary.
Q: Can I delete a sales invoice in Receipt Bot?
A: Yes, you can delete invoices by selecting them and clicking the Delete (bin) icon. Deleted invoices move to the Recycle Bin and remain there for 30 days before being permanently removed.
Q: How does Receipt Bot handle duplicate documents?
A: If Receipt Bot detects a duplicate document (same invoice number, date, and amount), it will be flagged as “Duplicate” for your review.
Q: Can I review and approve sales invoices on mobile?
A: Yes, you can use Receipt Bot’s Android and iOS apps to review, approve, and export invoices on the go.